Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

Card Math

Required: Deck of cards, paper and pencil
Players: Two

If you need a fun way to learn multiplications with your child try this game. Both of you should have a pencil and sheet of paper. Make five lines in a column on one corner of both papers and then a small line below the far right of the column for a total sum amount. Start out with a deck of cards and use only the 1’s through 5’s. Shuffle the cards and deal two faced up the other player. They are to write down the two numbers, multiply them and write the answer in a tally column. You then deal two cards to yourself, say the multiplied sum out loud and write the answer on your paper. Then repeat until all the cards are gone. At that point you should both have five sets of cards. Tally up the to answers on both sheets, the person with the highest number is the winner. You can play again until you have mastered 1-5’s. Do this a couple times of week for a few minutes a day. Once they can do 1-5’s you can replace the lower numbers with the next higher set of cards 2-6’s, 3-7’s or make the columns longer example 2-7’s.

Games : Bean Game

Bean Game
Required: Beans
Players: Two or three

Take an amount of large beans, or small items to hold in your hands. Decide on a number to work on like 8. Have your player count out 8 beans. Place the beans in your hand and hide them behind your back. While they’re behind your back put some beans in each hand. Like 3 in one hand and 5 in the other. Show the player the beans in one hand. They must tell you how many you have in the other hand. Play this again using another combination. This helps your child learn all the combinations of a number sum.

Games : Four Corners

Here’s another good icebreaker for the beginning of a school semester or as a fun way for people to get to know each other better. Four Corners (also known as Four Squares) is a simple activity in which students share who they are through the use of handdrawn pictures. This icebreaker is for all ages, and works well with small and medium groups. It usually takes about 15 minutes, depending on how much time you want to allow for sharing the pictures. You’ll need sheets of paper and writing utensils. Don’t worry, no artistic skills are required for this icebreaker activity — just have fun and encourage everyone to enjoy being creative while illustrating who they are!

Setup for Four Corners

Distribute a pen and sheet of paper for each player. Each person divides the sheet into four boxes/squares either by folding the paper in half twice (vertically and horizontally) or simply by drawing a horizontal and vertical line that crosses in the middle. For each square, each person will describe themselves in the form of drawings. Choose these four topics in advance. For example, in the top left square, everyone could draw “favorite hobbies,” while in the top right, people could illustrate “favorite place on earth for vacation,” the bottom left could be something like “if you were an animal, which one would you be?” and the bottom right could be something like “what are the most important things in your life?” Feel free to be as creative, hypothetical, or deep as you like.

Allow five to ten minutes to draw. When everyone is finished, gather them together and share the drawings as a group. This icebreaker is an excellent way for students to show-and-tell what makes them unique!

Permainan kelompok : Cerita Bersambung

Alat : -
Partisipan : Perseorangan
Waktu : 15 menit

Partisipan berdiri melingkar. Tujuan permainan ini adalah membuat sebuah cerita yang merupakan gabungan dari kalimat-kalimat yang disumbangkan partisipan. Kalimat yang disampaikan harus:
· masuk akal
· berkaitan dengan kalimat sebelumnya
· bertata bahasa yang benar
Orang #1:" Sebelum sarapan pagi, saya jalan-jalan dulu."
Orang #2: "Seekor anjing menghampiri aku."
Orang #3: "Aku menyapa anjing itu."
Orang #4:"Tetapi anjing itu malah mengejarku."
Permainan ini berlangsung hingga seluruh partisipan telah memberikan sumbangan kalimat atau jika Anda merasa suasana sudah cair.

Permainan ini dikutip dari serial "Permainan Asyik". Dapatkan buku-bukunya dengan memesan di penerbit Andi dan penerbit Metanoia.

Permainan kelompok: Super Model

Alat : -
Partisipan : Berkelompok 3 orang
Waktu : 10 menit

Aturlah partisipan supaya berdiri melingkar. Jelaskan bahwa mereka harus berlagak sesuai dengan instruksi yang Anda berikan. Ada pun perintahnya adalah:

"Super Model": Partisipan berdiri berpasang-pasangan. Satu orang berperan sebagai model yang bergaya dan satunya lagi berlagak sebagai fotografer yang memotret sang model.

"Gajah" : Partisipan segera berkelompok, masing-masing 3 orang. Satu orang menjulurkan tangan kan-annya ke depan (seolah-olah belalai gajah) dan tangan kirinya dijuntaikan di dekat pantat (seolah-olah ekor). Sementara itu, dua orang lainnya berdiri mengapit orang pertama. Mereka membentuk lingkaran dengan kedua tangan kanannya dan menempelkan di kepala orang pertama (seolah-olah "telinga" gajah).

"Agar-agar": Partisipan berkelompok, masing-masing 3 orang. Orang pertama menggerakkan seluruh tubuhnya. Seolah-olah agar-agar yang bergoyang-goyang. Dua orang lainnya bergandengan tangan, melingkari orang pertama. Kedua orang ini berpura-pura sebagai gelas yang mewadahi agar-agar.

"Ratu Tawon": Partisipan memutar dan menautkan kedua tangannya di belakang punggung (di atas pantat) dan mengibas-kibaskannya seolah-olah ekor lebah. Dua orang lainnya berdiri di kedua samping orang per-tama dengan menempelkan kedua tangan mereka di tubuh tawon. Ini berfungsi sebagai sayap.

"Patung": Partisipan berdiam diri seperti patung.

"Sebab sama seperti pada satu tubuh kita mempunyai banyak anggota, tetapi tidak semua anggota itu mempunyai tugas yang sama." - Rom. 12:4
Permainan ini dikutip dari serial "Permainan Asyik". Dapatkan buku-bukunya dengan memesan di penerbit Andi dan penerbit Metanoia.

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Games : Frozen T’s

Required: Plastic storage bag, freezer and large size T- shirts
Players: Small to large groups

For each team you'll need one T- shirt and one plastic storage bag. T-ShirtPlace one nicely folded T-shirt in each bag then pour in about 2 cups of water and freeze all of them overnight. If this wasn't done where the event is taking place bring the T-shirt in a cooler filled with ice to keep them frozen. Instruct the teams that they'll be playing an Ice Breaker game. Then hand out the bagged T-shirts to each team. On "Go" the teams will have to get their T-shirts thawed out so that one person from their team can put the T-shirt on. Teams will get creative in their attempts to win. They could run the shirts underwater, put them in the microwave and even pounded the ice out of them. The first team to come back with one person in the T-shirt is the winner.

Ice breakers : Dress the Mummy

Required: Rolls of toilet paper
Players: Small to large groups

Game of the Month 11/00

Set up teams with 2-4 players on each team. One person on each team will be the mummy and each team will be given 2 rolls of toilet paper. They will have 5 minutes to complete the game. The team players are to circle around the mummy and pass the toilet paper to each other while wrapping the mummy in it. The leader of the group will be the judge and decide which team has created the best mummy design.

Icebreakers : Boom!

Alat : -
Partisipan : Perseorangan
Waktu : 15 menit

Semua partisipan duduk melingkar. Mulai dari salah satu partisipan, mereka menghitung angka secara berurutan (1-2-3-4-5-6-dst). Begitu Anda berkata "boom", partisipan berikutnya menambahkan angka 3 pada angka terakhir. Misalnya partisipan yang sebelum Anda berkata "boom" mengucapkan angka tujuh, maka partisipan berikutnya tidak mengucapkan angka delapan tetapi sepuluh. Partisipan berikutnya mengu-capkan 13 dan seterusnya.
Ketika Anda berkata "boom" lagi, hitungan menjadi normal kembali (kelipatan satu). Begitu seterus-nya.
Variasi 1: Semua partisipan menghitung berurutan. Ketika ada partisipan yang sampai pada angka kelipatan 3 (3-6-9-12-dst), mereka tidak mengucapkan angka itu tetapi berkata "boom". Partisipan yang salah mengu-capkan, harus keluar dari lingkaran.
Cara 2: Bila partisipan sudah semakin mahir, ajaklah mereka menghitung mundur. Misalnya dari angka 30, menghitung ke arah angka nol.

Permainan ini dikutip dari serial "Permainan Asyik". Dapatkan buku-bukunya dengan memesan di penerbit Andi dan penerbit Metanoia.

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Kucing dan Tikus

Alat : -
Partisipan : Perseorangan
Waktu : 10 menit
Tunjuklah lima orang sukarelawan menjadi tikus dan seorang menjadi kucing. Sedangkan partisipan sisanya berdiri melingkar bergandengan tangan. Seolah-olah mereka menjadi rumah.

Ketika Anda bertepuk tangan sekali, mereka harus beranjak maju untuk membuat lingkaran yang rapat. Begitu dekatnya sehingga badan mereka berdempetan.

Manakala Anda bertepuk tangan dua kali, mereka harus mundur untuk membuat lingkaran selebar-lebarnya (dalam melakukan ini mereka tetap bergandengan tangan). Berikan aba-aba antara sekali dan dua kali tepukan tangan dengan irama yang ajeg (tetap).

Nah, tugas kucing sederhana saja, yaitu menangkap tikus. Dan tugas tikus? Ya, Anda betul, melarikan diri dari kejaran Kucing. Caranya dengan keluar-masuk lingkaran. Ketika lingkaran merenggang, kucing boleh menerobos masuk untuk menerkam tikus. Tapi tikus pun punya hak untuk ngacir keluar rumah. Jika kucing berhasil menangkap satu ekor tikus, ia mengurung buruannya di pojok ruangan.

Tikus apes (sial) yang tertangkap ini masih punya kesempatan bebas jika ada dua tikus lain yang masih bebas, yang menyentuhnya.

Permainan ini dikutip dari serial "Permainan Asyik". Dapatkan buku-bukunya dengan memesan di penerbit Andi dan penerbit Metanoia.

Ice Breaker - Kinetic - Brainstorm Race

Ideal Size
Teams of four work best, so ideal group size is limited by the space you have available for teams of four.

Use For
Reviewing a topic. Energizing your classroom.

Time Needed
30 minutes is ideal.

Materials Needed
Flip charts are ideal because you can turn them so the groups can’t see each other’s work. If you don’t have flip charts, white boards will work just fine. If no board is available, large sheets of paper will work. A marker for each student.

Divide the group into teams of four. Explain that you will give them a topic. They will have 30 seconds (or however long works best for your group) to brainstorm and list as many ideas as they can come up with. Here’s the kicker---they cannot speak. Each student must write his or her ideas on the board or paper you’ve provided. The team with the most ideas after the prescribed time wins that round.

Ask the winning team to present their ideas. Ask remaining teams to add any ideas the winning team missed and to correct any mistakes the winning team may have made. Proceed with the next challenge. Keep a running score on the front board.

If you’re teaching speech, you might ask the groups to list non-verbals, fillers, and kinds of speeches. If you’re teaching nursing, you might ask for lists of muscles, bones, and shift-change check items. You get the drift.

Debrief by asking the group if working in teams helped or hindered. Did having a deadline help or hinder? Were they surprised by how many ideas they came up with, or didn’t?

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

Icebreakers : Four Corners

Here’s another good icebreaker for the beginning of a school semester or as a fun way for people to get to know each other better. Four Corners (also known as Four Squares) is a simple activity in which students share who they are through the use of handdrawn pictures. This icebreaker is for all ages, and works well with small and medium groups. It usually takes about 15 minutes, depending on how much time you want to allow for sharing the pictures. You’ll need sheets of paper and writing utensils. Don’t worry, no artistic skills are required for this icebreaker activity — just have fun and encourage everyone to enjoy being creative while illustrating who they are!

Setup for Four Corners

Distribute a pen and sheet of paper for each player. Each person divides the sheet into four boxes/squares either by folding the paper in half twice (vertically and horizontally) or simply by drawing a horizontal and vertical line that crosses in the middle. For each square, each person will describe themselves in the form of drawings. Choose these four topics in advance. For example, in the top left square, everyone could draw “favorite hobbies,” while in the top right, people could illustrate “favorite place on earth for vacation,” the bottom left could be something like “if you were an animal, which one would you be?” and the bottom right could be something like “what are the most important things in your life?” Feel free to be as creative, hypothetical, or deep as you like.

Allow five to ten minutes to draw. When everyone is finished, gather them together and share the drawings as a group. This icebreaker is an excellent way for students to show-and-tell what makes them unique!

Permainan kelompok : Aku Mengasihimu

Permainan kelompok - Ice breaker

Jumlah orang : 8 - 15 orang

Cara permainan:
Semua anggota berdiri membentuk lingkaran, pada masing-masing tempat anggota berdiri diberi tanda (dengan kapur atau bisa menggunakan tas/buku) untuk menandakan tempat/rumah dari orang tersebut.

Satu orang berdiri di tengah, satu orang ini yang tidak punya rumah, dan orang di tengah ini yang akan memulai permainan.

Caranya adalah orang yang di tengah akan mendatangi salah satu dari temannya kemudian menanyakan "APAKAH KAMU MENGASIHIKU?"

Temannya yang di tanya ini bisa menjawab "IYA" atau "TIDAK"

Bila jawabannya "IYA"
Maka SEMUA anggota harus berpindah tempat/rumah ke tempat yang lainnya, begitu juga yang ditengah harus segera mencari rumah/tempat yang kosong untuk di tempati. Hingga nanti akan ada satu orang yang tidak kebagian rumah/tempat, dan orang ini yang akan melanjutkan permainan lagi dengan mencari teman yang lain dan menanyakan "APAKAH KAMU MENGASIHIKU?"

Bila jawabannya "TIDAK"
Maka orang yang di tengah harus mengajukan pertanyaan lagi "LALU SIAPA ORANG YANG KAMU KASIHI?". Kemudian orang yang di tanya ini harus menjawab dengan ciri-ciri orang yang dikasihinya. Misal "AKU MENGASIHI ORANG YANG PAKAI KACA MATA", maka semua orang yang menggunakan kaca mata harus pindah rumah (yang tidak pakai kaca mata tetap diam di rumahnya masing2), begitu juga orang yang di tengah harus segera menempati begitu ada rumah yang kosong, sampai akhirnya akan ada satu orang yang tidak kebagian rumah, dan orang ini akan memulai permainan lagi.

Selamat bermain....GBU

Sumber :

Ice Breakers : Aku Sudah Berubah

Alat : -
Partisipan : Berpasangan
Waktu : 5 menit

Partisipan berpasangan dan berdiri berhadap-hadapan. Tiap orang mengamati pasangannya dengan cermat. Setelah itu, mereka saling membelakangi (beradu punggung). Pada saat itu, setiap orang berusaha mengubah aksesoris yang dikenakannya. Misalnya, mencopot salah satu anting, memindahkan jam tangan dari kanan ke kiri, menggulung lengan pakaian, mengancingkan kancing baju teratas , mengubah gaya sisiran rambut dsb.
Setelah itu, setiap pasangan berbalik lagi untuk menebak perubahan apa yang sudah dilakukan oleh pasangannya. Di akhir permainan ini jelaskan bahwa setelah mengenal Kristus kita harus mengalami perubahan hidup. Dan perubahan itu harus nampak dan dilihat oleh orang lain.

"Janganlah kamu menjadi serupa dengan dunia ini, tetapi berubahlah oleh pembaharuan budimu." - Rom.12:2

Permainan ini dikutip dari serial "Permainan Asyik". Dapatkan buku-bukunya dengan memesan di penerbit Andi dan penerbit Metanoia.

Games : Two Truths and a Lie

Summary: A good get-to-know-you icebreaker in which each person says two truths and one lie. The goal is to figure out which statement is the lie.

Ages: All. Recommended # of people: 6-10. Messiness factor: No Sweat. Materials Required: None. Recommended Setting: Indoors.

Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is the classic icebreaker game in which one attempts to identify which of three statements is bogus.

Instructions: Have everyone sit in a circle. Each person prepares three statements, two of which are true and one of which is a lie. In any order, the person shares the three statements to the entire group. The object of the game is to figure out which statement a lie. The rest of the group votes on each statement, and the person reveals which one is the lie.

Variation: Two Truths and a Dream Wish. As an interesting variation to the classic Two Truths and a Lie icebreaker, people may also play a version called Two Truths and a Dream Wish. Instead of stating a lie, a person says something that is not true — yet something that they wish to be true. For example, someone that has never been to Hawaii might say: “I have visited Hawaii when I was young.” This interesting spin often leads to unexpected, fascinating results, as people often share touching wishes about their lives.

Icebreakers : M&M Game

Summary: The M&M Game is an icebreaker that allows people to get to know each other. Each person grabs some M&Ms and shares facts about himself or herself.

Ages: All. Recommend number of people: Groups of 3-12. Messiness factor: No sweat. Materials required: A large bag of M&Ms or any candy with multiple colors (e.g. Skittles).

M&M Game

This icebreaker is a simple way to help people introduce facts about themselves. It’s very flexible and adaptable - and (if you have a sweet tooth) delicious too! The M&Ms Game goes by other names: the Skittles Game, the Candy Game, the Color Game, among other names.


Pour M&Ms or any other multicolor candy into a bowl. Have everyone in the group grab as much or as little as they like from the bowl. Make sure that no one eats their candy right away.

How to Play

For each piece of M&M candy they took, they will have to answer a question, depending on its color. For example, you can designate:

* Red candy: favorite hobbies
* Green candy: favorite foods
* Yellow candy: favorite movies
* Orange candy: favorite places to travel
* Brown candy: most memorable or embarrassing moments
* Blue candy: wild cards (they can share anyone they choose)

You can be creative and choose any questions you think would be fitting for your group. The facilitator will then call out the color topic and everyone will go around the room sharing 1 answer per M&M. As an example: if you chose two red pieces of candy, you will have to name two of your favorite hobbies. After the individual has shared that color with the group, he/she may then eat their candy. Continue to go around the room until each color topic has been shared.

Games : c.o.c.o.n.u.t

Alat : -
Partisipan : Perseorangan
Waktu : 5 menit

Ajarkan dulu lagu c.o.c.o.n.u.t pada partisipan. Setelah semua bisa, ajaklah mereka melakukan peragaan bentuk hurufnya sesuai dengan ucapan dalam lagu tadi.
· Ketika mengucapkan huruf "c", tangan kanan diangkat di atas kepala. Kemudian sedikit dilengkungkan ke arah kiri. Tangan kiri berada di bawah, menghadap ke kiri luar.
· Ketika mengucapkan huruf "o", kedua tangan di angkat di atas kepala dan ditautkan membentuk lingkaran.
· Ketika mengucapkan huruf "n", kedua tangan menjuntai ke bawah membentuk setengah lingkaran.
· Ketika mengucapkan huruf "u", kedua tangan diangkat di atas kepala, membentuk setengah lingkaran.
· Ketika mengucapkan huruf "T", kedua tangan menjulur lurus arah samping.
Jika sudah mahir, percepat tempo lagu hingga partisipan kewalahan melakukan gerakannya.

Lagu c.o.c.o.n.u.t
¦1 3 5 5 ¦6 6 5 .¦
c o c o n u t

¦4 4 3 . ¦2 2 1 . ¦
n u t n u t

"Oleh karena kemalasan runtuhlah atap, dan oleh karena kelambanan tangan bocorlah rumah."- Pkh. 10:18

Permainan ini dikutip dari serial "Permainan Asyik". Dapatkan buku-bukunya dengan memesan di penerbit Andi dan penerbit Metanoia.

Icebreakers : Giants, Wizards, and Elves

Summary: An icebreaker / action oriented game good for medium and large sized groups. Similar to a game of rock, paper, scissors, two teams face off and decide to become either “giants,” “wizards,” or “elves.” Giants defeat elves, elves defeat wizards, and wizards defeat giants.

Ages: 10 and up. Recommended # of People: 20 and up (large groups work fine too!). Messiness factor: Might break a small sweat! Materials Required: None. Recommended Setting: Indoors or Outdoors.

Giants, Wizards, & Elves
Giants, Wizards, and Elves is a fun, silly icebreaker game that is a good way to break the ice at meetings or in classrooms. It’s a simple game based on the classic game of rock, paper, scissors.
Teach everyone how to become three characters: the giant, the wizard, and the elf. Each character features hand motions and a noise.

* For the giant, each person stands on their tippy toes, lifts up their arms, and makes an angry growling noise: “Roooar!”
* For the wizard, each person crouches a little bit, flutters their fingers as though they are casting a spell, and they make a magical noise: “Woooo!”
* For the elf, each person gets down very low on their knees, cups their hands around their ears, and makes a high pitched elf noise: “Eeeeee!”

Practice each motion together a few times. Divide everyone into two teams and have them separate into opposite sides of the room. The game invovles several rounds. For each round, the following takes place:

1. Each team forms a huddle and decides to become a giant, wizard, or elf.
2. Both teams then line up and face each other, about 5 feet apart.
3. The facilitator says “3..2..1..Go!”
4. Each team acts out the giant, wizard, or elf (whatever they decided to become).
5. As soon as they act out their character, the winner tries to grab the loser and pulls as many people over to their side as they can. The loser tries to run away, back to their side, in order to be safe. The winner of each round is determined by the following.The giant defeats the elf because giants “squash” elves.
Elves defeat wizards by outsmarting them, chewing at their legs.
The wizard defeats the giant by “zapping” them with a magic spell.
Identical characters are a draw (no one wins).This process keeps repeating for multiple rounds until one team is entirely consumed (or when time runs out.)


Other variations of this game exist - or you can make up your own. Be creative!

Icebreakers : Screaming Viking

Summary: A stationary game in which players are seated in a circle, and one person points to someone in the circle and instructs them to act out a “screaming viking”, a “smurf”, a “chia pet”, among other humorous things.

Ages: 8 and up. Recommended # of people: 8-25. Messiness factor: No Sweat. Materials Required: None. Recommended Setting: Indoors.

Screaming Viking

How to Play

Screaming Viking is an entertaining game in which people act out silly motions and make noises. To begin, have everyone sit in a circle with one person in the middle. The goal of the game is not be in the middle at the end of the game. The person in the middle points at a person seated in the circle and then screams, “Screaming Viking! (or one of the other formations described below). One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!” While the person is counting, the person who was selected and the people directly to the left and right must form a “Screaming Viking” formation, described below.

If any of the three people (the person selected and the people to the left and right of that person) do not correctly respond in time (before the count to 10 is up) then whoever messes up must go into the middle. The appropriate response can be one of the following:

1. Screaming Viking: each person to the left and right of the selected person must make a rowing motion outwardly to the sides, while the person in the middle must place his or her fingers to the sides of his/her head with index finger pointed upwards, like horns. All three people must scream loudly.

2. Smurfs: the 3 of them interlock arms and sing the smurf song, “La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la.”

3. Chia Pet: the three of them must act as a growing chia pet with hands lifting upwards. The 3 of them must shoud, “Ch-ch-ch-chia…”

4. Jello: the person in the center wobbles like jello, while each person to the side holds their arms out, forming a bowl. You can make up other appropriate responses — the sillier the better! The more enthusiastic and wacky you are, the more entertaining the game.

Icebreakers : Blanket Name Game

Summary: A good get-to-know-you name identification game that can get pretty hilarious! Two people stand facing each other with a large blanket in between. The blanket drops, and the first person to correctly identify the other person wins the round.

Ages: All. Recommended # of People: 10-20. Messiness Factor: No Sweat. Materials Required: Blanket. Recommended Setting: Indoors.

Blanket Name Game

Instructions: The Blanket Name Game is a simple name recognition/identification game. Go around the room and make introductions (share your name and other information such as your hobbies, major, etc. if desired. Separate into two groups and have two people hold a large, thick blanket separating the two groups so that neither group can see the other. When the blanket drops, the first person to correctly call out the name of the other group’s designated person wins the round (which typically means the loser of the round must leave the game, though if you prefer to avoid ‘elimination’ then you don’t have to do this). The group may strike different humorous poses to distract the attention of other group’s person. As a variation, several people may be facing the other group with one person being chosen to call out the information of the other group’s people.

Icebreaker : Susun barisan

Icebreaker ini lebih baik dipake pada jumlah peserta 4-6 org/group. jumlah group sebaiknya >2.

Cara permainan:
- Bagi peserta ke dlm group2 tsb (note: sebaiknya peserta yg saling kenal baik dipisah groupnya).
- Beri instruksi tertentu & group harus segera menyusun barisan sesuai instruksi. Kasih batas waktu. Group menanggapi instruksi dgn bener & juga paling cepatlah yg menang..

Contoh instruksi:
- susun barisan berdasarkan urutan umur yg paling tua... (siapa yg mo ngaku?)
- susun barisan berdasarkan baju yg paling rapi
- susun barisan berdasarkan hidung yg paling mancung
- susun barisan berdasarkan yg paling manis.. (pada berebut kali yee... hi3x....)

Sumber :

Permainan Kelompok : Adu Ingatan

Permainan kelompok kecil : Adu ingatan

Yang perlu dipersiapkan : Kartu remi

Tujuan permainan : untuk menguji kemampuan ingatan kita

Cara permainan :
Permainan ini cocok dimainkan dalam jumlah orang yang sedikit misal 5-7 orang. Cara permainan bagikan kartu remi ketiap-tiap orang masing-masing satu kartu remi, bagikan dalam keadaan tertutup jadi peserta tidak boleh melihat isi kartu remi mereka.

Selanjutnya tiap-tiap peserta membuka kartu remi mereka dan ditunjukan ke peserta lainnya. Tugas dari tiap-tiap peserta adalah mereka harus menghafal kartu remi yang dipegang oleh peserta-peserta lainnya. Jika sudah dihafal, maka kartu remi yang dibagikan tadi dikumpulkan kemudian dibagikan lagi dalam keadaan tertutup secara acak ke tiap-tiap peserta.

Dan dimulai dari peserta pertama, kartu tadi dibuka dan dia harus menebak kartu remi tadi punya nya peserta siapa, beri target waktu untuk menebak, jika lewat dari waktu yang ditentukan dinyatakan kalah. Kemudian dilanjutkan ke peserta berikutnya dan seterusnya sampai semua peserta mendapat giliran menebak.

Sumber :

Ice breaker : Cari kata dalam Alkitab dan praktekan

Tujuan : Adu cepat

Cara permainan:
Bagi orang menjadi beberapa kelompok, tiap kelompok bisa terdiri dari 2 orang atau lebih.
Siapkan ayat-ayat dari alkitab, dan ambil satu kata dari ayat tersebut saja, kemudian kelompok harus berlomba mencari ayat tersebut.

Contoh 1:
Kisah para rasul 11:16, kata ke-10 dari depan
Jawabannya adalah = Air

Contoh 2:
Matius 2:11, kata ke-4 dari belakang
jawabannya adalah emas

Contoh 3:
Mazmur 13:6, kata ke-9 dari belakang
jawabannya adalah menyanyi

Selanjutnya Anda bisa memodifikasi permainan ini, misal mereka tidak hanya menyebut kan kata saja, tapi harus mencari barang yang disebutkan (misal air berarti mereka harus mengambil air, misal emas berarti mereka harus mencari emas dan ditunjukan ke ice breaker), atau misal kata dicari berupa kata kerja maka mereka harus mempraktekan kata tersebut (misal menyanyi, maka mereka harus bernyanyi).

Sumber :

Permainan Kelompok : Tebak Nama

Yang perlu disiapkan:
Kain yang panjang dan besar

Tujuan permainan:
Untuk saling lebih mengenal satu sama lain

Bagi kelompok menjadi 2 kelompok, kemudian bentang kan kain di antara dua kelompok tersebut sehingga mereka tidak dapat melihat anggota dari kelompok lain. Selanjutnya kelompok harus menunjuk satu orang anggotanya untuk berdiri di depan kain tersebut. Setelah orang dari masing-masing kelompok sudah siap berdiri (atau duduk mungkin) di depan kain, mereka harus bersiap-siap untuk menebak orang yang ada dibalik kain tersebut, kemudian kain diturunkan, dan dari dua orang tersebut siapa yang lebih dulu menyebutkan nama teman nya yang menang (atau dapat poin).